
Episode 3 – How Should We Think About Integrating New Clean Energy Resources into the Grid w/ Dr. Kathleen Spees, The Brattle Group

October 15, 2024

Episode Summary

Efforts to develop a forward clean energy market (FCEM) are active in both New England and PJM, but starting with New England: Why has this topic come about? Why are state policymakers focused on this topic of integrating markets and policy?  What are the problems they’ve been trying to solve?

Dr. Kathleen Spees, a Principal at the Brattle Group, provides answers to these questions on today’s episode.

1:50 – Introductions

4:20 – Inflation Reduction Act

6:30 – Overview of the Forward Clean Energy Market in New England:

  • Why has this topic come about?
  • Why are state policymakers focused on this topic of integrating markets and policy?

10:25 – The basics of the Forward Clean Energy Market concept:

  • How would it be different from the other existing wholesale power markets?
  • Who’s the buyer, who’s the seller?
  • What product are they buying?
  • Can’t states just increase their renewable portfolio standards up to 100%?  Why a new regional market?
  • What makes FCEM better/worse/different/complementary to other solutions like a Carbon Tax or an Integrated Clean Capacity Market (ICCM)?
  • How would EE factor into FCEM if at all?

22:30 – If an FCEM were adopted, how significant an impact would there be?

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