
The cleanest and least expensive energy is the energy you never have to consume

American Efficient is one of the largest energy efficiency aggregators in the United States. We operate projects in collaboration with major manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to facilitate the adoption of energy efficient products and aggregate, measure, verify and deliver their energy savings for wholesale energy markets.

Our Platform

American Efficient has built a best-in-class model to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficiency measures.

Since 2013, we have enabled energy efficiency to participate in capacity markets as a supply-side resource. American Efficient facilitates the manufacture, distribution, and sale of energy-efficient products and ultimately transforms energy savings into energy resources that benefit the grid and customers.


Our team creates partnerships with the world's largest home improvement retailers and manufacturers. We acquire the exclusive contractual rights to the energy savings associated with eligible energy-efficient products such as lighting products, showerheads, appliances, and envelope sealing for spaces.


Through extensive technical analysis, literature reviews, and metering studies, we quantify the energy savings and develop Measurement & Verification protocols, as required by the wholesale energy markets.

Energy Market Participation

American Efficient participates in forward wholesale capacity market auctions, creating financially-binding commitments. This enables more clean, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy.


Residential, commercial and industrial energy-saving technologies

There are numerous energy-efficient products already in homes or businesses across America. Below are some indicative technologies. Most of these products have a value to the grid- American Efficient’s goal is to aggregate, measure, verify, and deliver the capacity reductions achieved by those products.

Residences, while not the predominant building type in the US by total square footage, contain many, fairly easy-to-implement opportunities to add value to the grid through efficiency and demand response.

Building Envelope

Insulation, weather-stripping and efficient glazing all contribute to reducing heating/cooling load.

Water Heater

Second only to heating and cooling as a source of load in the typical home


Those with the most advanced potential for reducing energy consumption, “plug load”


Significant impacts can be gained from replacing incandescent lighting with high efficiency lamps and fixtures utilizing CFLs, LEDs etc.

Heating & Cooling

At least half of the energy consumed in the average American house

Commercial building energy consumption by source varies much more than in residential buildings, based on geography, size and use.


Significant impacts can be gained from not only replacing older fluorescent ballasts with high efficiency LED fixtures but also by utilizing occupancy and ambient light sensors as well as de-lamping and providing task lighting.

Heating & Cooling

The primary source of load in commercial buildings, includes ventilation, dehumidification and often re-heat of chilled air.

Data Server

Not only contribute plug load but also cooling load.

There is a vast amount of energy savings available by optimizing equipment used in industrial manufacturing processes.

Industrial Improvements Include:

Fans, Pumps and Circulators, VFDs/VSDs, Conveyors, Lighting, and Process Improvements


Why Work With American Efficient


Additional revenue for bottom line, sales force training, or to drive further stocking of efficient products. American Efficient partnership helps offset the risk of stocking new efficient products, investing in sustainability efforts, and any other business needs to sell energy-efficient products


Savings from reduced energy use, lower energy prices


Increased grid reliability, sustainability and affordability and less need for capital intensive generation infrastructure or transmission upgrades


Reduced carbon emissions

We Are American Efficient

We address a wide a range of products in a large geographic territory.

Contact Us

Our Impact

Our programs are running in thousands of locations across 23 states, making millions of distributed energy resources available to the electric system.

millions of units incentivized
4 avoided conventional power plants
10 million+ tCO2e avoided

Why We Do It

"All customers (including non-participating customers) benefit by having more cost-effective EE in the market [and] from an improved load forecast by avoiding over-procurement of capacity resources.”

The Brattle Group

“Energy efficiency bid into capacity auctions lowers clearing prices, reducing capacity costs for customers in these RTOs.”

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

“Energy efficiency is the first fuel"

International Energy Agency

Our Team

We are a team with broad public, private, and social sector experience

American Efficient is passionate about using our expertise in bringing distributed energy innovations to market to serve consumers and the public.

Daniel Arneman


Sterling Bowen

Head of Origination

F. Bo Clayton


Luke Fishback

Senior Director, Market Operations

Angela Fox

Chief Markets Officer

Latitia Haskins

Director, Software Engineering

Meg Kelly

Head of Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency

Elena Mannion

Product Operations Analyst

Kara Mountcastle

Director of Program Operations

Boris Nikolic

Principal, Trading

Sunny Patel

Sr. Associate, Software Engineering

John Piehler

Sr. Associate

Philip Semanchuk

Director, Software Engineering

April Smith

Senior Director of Finance

David Storelli

Director of M&V


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